
Ponedeljek, 8. november 2021

09:00 - 09:15

Otvoritev dogodka Analytics

Žiga Vaupot

Tudi prejšnje leto smo imeli virtualno konferenco, ki se je odvijala čez cel teden, zato smo jo poimenovali MakeIT Week. Letos smo se odločili za drugačen format. Namesto dveh dni z več vzporednimi predavanji, bomo imeli več enodnevnih ali dvodnevnih dogodkov. Vsi ti dogodki bodo v jeseni, zato ime MakeIT Autumn.

09:15 - 12:00

Use Cases for Oracle Analytics

Mojca Gros & Žiga Vaupot

Predstavitev je zamišljena kot mini delavnica, na kateri si bomo podrobno pogledali nekaj primerov uporabe orodij, ki so del Oracle Analytics.

Upravljanje s podatki je pomembna dopolnitev orodij, ki smo jih predtem poznali pod imenom Oracle Business Intelligence. Oracle Analytics omogoča uporabniku delo in upravljanje s podatki, ki jih je mogoče organizirati v podatkovne modele, jih medsebojno povezovati ne glede na njihov izvor in jih dodatno obogatiti brez posredovanja strokovnjakov za razvoj rešitev poslovne analitike.

Učinkovita vizualizacija podatkov je v modernih orodjih za poslovno analitiko nepogrešljiva. Med posebnimi tipi vizualizacij podatkov sodi tudi uporaba geografskih podatkov in njihova uporaba v mapah. V predstavitvi bomo podrobno pregledali zmožnosti vizualizacije podatkov v mapah, ki so uporabniku na voljo za uporabo, na dejansko izredno enostaven in intuitiven način.

V tretjem sklopu primerov, pa si bomo pogledali nekaj primerov uporabe strojnega učenja, ki je vgrajeno v Oracle Analytics in jih lahko končni uporabniki s pridom izkoristijo v svojih poslovnih analizah.

Author's biography

Mojca Gros

Mojca Gros is senior consultant at Qubix and she has been working on Business Intelligence projects over last 14 years. She has experiences with different BI tools (Oracle Discoverer, Business Objects...).

In the last few years she is mainly working with Oracle Buisness Intelligence technology. She was engaged in BI projects in different industies, including retail, goverment... around Europe. In last few months she was focused on OBI data modeling and data visualisation. Mojca Gros is Certified Businesss Intelligence Foundation Suite 11g Implementation Specialist and holds Oracle Cloud Platform Enterprise Analytics 2020 Certified Specialist certificate.

Žiga Vaupot

Žiga works in IT for almost 30 years. Currently, Žiga is managing Qubix Intl.’s subsidiary, Qubix Svetovanje, based in Slovenia, and has been consulting on business analytics solutions, tools and associated technologies for the last 10 years or so. In his business analytics consulting role, Žiga has been working on several projects from UK, EMEA with focus on CEE region, US and Japan, primarily implementing Oracle Business Intelligence based solutions. His focus today is with the latest developments related to Oracle Analytics, Oracle Machine Learning and Oracle Data Science platforms.

Before joining Qubix, Žiga has spent 10+ years working for Oracle in CEE region in several roles from technology and application pre-sales, sales and marketing. He has also spent 4 years as CIO of the major Slovenian publishing company.

Žiga has MBA degree of Faculty of Economics, and BSC degree from Faculty of Computer Sciences and Informatics, both University of Ljubljana. Žiga holds Certified Business Intelligence Foundation Suite 11g Implementation Specialist and Oracle Cloud Platform Enterprise Analytics 2020 Certified Specialist certificates. Žiga is Oracle ACE since December 2020.

12:00 - 13:00

Kosilo / Lunch

13:00 - 14:30

Apache Kafka and Flink: Stateful Streaming Data Pipelines made easy with SQL

Francesco Tisiot

A stateful streaming data pipeline needs both a solid base and an engine to drive the data. Apache Kafka is an excellent choice for storing and transmitting high throughput and low latency messages. Apache Flink adds the cherry on top with a distributed stateful compute engine available in a variety of languages, including SQL.

In this session we'll explore how Apache Flink operates in conjunction with Apache Kafka to build stateful streaming data pipelines, and the problems we can solve with this combination. We will explore Flink's SQL client, showing how to define connections and transformations with the most known and beloved language in the data industry.

This session is aimed at data professionals who want to reduce the barrier to streaming data pipelines by making them configurable as set of simple SQL commands.

Author's biography

Francesco comes from Verona, Italy and works as a Developer Advocate at Aiven. With his many years of experience as a data engineer, he has stories to tell and advice for data-wranglers everywhere. Francesco loves sharing knowledge with others as a speaker and writer, and is on a mission to defend the world from bad Italian food!

15:00 - 17:00

Introduction to Oracle Graph for DBAs

Albert Godfrind & Hans Viehmann
Oracle Corp.

Graph analysis offers a different way of looking at data and has become very popular in recent years to gain new insights into the connections and relationships in data. In database administration, graphs can make it easy to analyze hierarchies of dependencies, for example. Mapping the content of the DBA_DEPENDENCIES view to a graph structure to determine which triggers will fail if a given PL/SQL function does not compile any longer would be just one possible use case. Similarly, graphs enable the DBA to determine, through which role a given user directly or indirectly has access to which resources, or vice versa, which users have access to a given column with, say, personally identifiable information.

The graph feature of the Oracle Database is included without additional license cost. It enables developers to create graphs from database tables, search for graph patterns, and apply graph algorithms to data. This session is a how-to for DBAs who need to support their organizations in using this feature. We will explain what the graph feature entails, how to install it, what components are necessary, what tools are available, and how database administrators can leverage these capabilities from the command line using SQLcl.

Author's biography

Albert Godfrind

The session will be covered by Albert Godfrind from Oracle Corporation. Albert has over 25 years of experience in designing, developing, and deploying IT applications. His interest and enthusiasm for spatial information and geographical information systems started at Oracle when he started using the spatial extensions of the Oracle database. Ever since, Albert has been evangelizing the use of spatial information to GIS and BI communities across Europe, consulting with partners and customers, speaking at conferences, and designing and delivering in-depth technical training.

Albert is one of the authors of the first book on Oracle Spatial, "Pro Oracle Spatial - The essential guide to developing spatially enabled business applications"

Hans Viehmann

Hans Viehmann is working for ORACLE Corporation as director of product management for the spatial and graph technologies.

He holds a degree in Physics from Hamburg University and started his career in Research before joining ORACLE over twenty-five years ago. After various positions in Presales and Business Development, he joined the Product Management Team in 2011. He is responsible for the outbound product managers on the Oracle Spatial and Graph team. With his team, he is looking after strategic projects and partnerships, the marketing activities, as well as the internal awareness around the Spatial and Graph technologies worldwide. He is working closely with various Oracle User Groups and helped establish Spatial and Graph Special Interest Groups in several countries. He is a regular speaker at conferences and user group events and serves on the advisory board of InGeoForum, Germany.